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美丽心情网 - 心情美文,心情日记,经典文章,经典语句,健康生活
美丽心情网 - 心情美文,心情日记,经典文章,经典语句,健康生活


谷歌版:You ignore me, then ignore me into a dog!

山寨版:You all no care me, that I become dog no care!

学院版:Even you you don’t care me, then I would become Go- Believe!


谷歌版:The world are U。S。, but also sons, but the band are finally grandchildren’s。(谷歌翻译太雷人,居然把“咱们”翻译为“U。S。”,跟金山快译有一拼了)

山寨版:The world is ours, too is sons, but final end is that group of grandsons。

学院版:The world belongs to us, but also to our children, but eventually will belong to our grandchildren。

